Что такое пеллеты? твердый энергетический носитель Будущее пеллет «улучшенное» топливо Продам пеллеты пиломатериалы Здесь около 500 предложений о продаже пеллет Оборудование пеллеты Предложения от поставщиков оборудования Сравнительная характеристика видов топлива Гранулирование - пеллеты Оборудования Сырье Рынок потребления Оборудование для производства пеллет Срок работы линии, поломки линии гранулирования, соблюдение технологии гранулирования – все это взаимосвязано Организация производства пеллет Процесс производства пеллет Производство пеллет из опилок типовой процесс производства экологически чистого возобновляемого топлива Технология производства пеллет Этапы производства пеллет Утилизация пеллет одним из наиболее перспективных технологических процессов Технологический процесс производства пеллет Цены на пеллеты Biomass resources of Estonia |
Potential resources of forest biomass1) Estonian Base Map; 2) Estonian Digital Soil Map; 3) The digital forest maps from the State Registry of Forest Data; 4) Area maps of rural municipalities. Addition to that for analysis the forest inventory data from the State Registry of Forest Data and data about soil quality were used. At first the map layers were joined together and then split by borders into pieces for analysis. Based on that data, models for forest calculations were created. Then the analysed areas were subtracted from the layers of Base Map and the remained areas were integrated with map layers of Base Map, soil map and area maps of rural municipalities. After calculation of the natural areas of Base Map with the above mentioned models the areas and characteristics of forests not covered by the forest inventory data were found. These areas were also subtracted from the layers of Base Map and as a result the areas of Base Map not covered by the polygons of soil map were determined. 509 km2 of Estonian area were not analysed due to absence of Base Map data. Subsequently the long-term yield of forest lands was calculated. According to the calculations the total annual yield of Estonian forests is 8 406 thousand m3 and the share of traditional fuelwood is 963 thousand m3. As a rule the traditional fuelwood is harvested and used. However, the unused resource is harvesting residues, mainly tops and branches. The theoretically the amount that is available is 1 503 thousand m3. In addition to that the potential of stumps has not been used up to now. For the calculation, only the resource of stumps from the final felling was taken into account as the collection of stumps after thinning will cause damages to the remaining trees. The results of the calculation indicate that the total volume of stumps from final felling is 778 thousand m3. Based on the experience of Finland it can be said that only harvesting of stumps of coniferous trees is feasible. The total amount of stumps of coniferous trees is 480 thousand m3 but due to the environmental restrictions the volumes that are available in reality are smaller. In order to estimate the total energy potential of wood fuels, the woody biomass from the non-forest areas (traces of power lines, drainage traces, roads etc., parks, orchards etc.) should also be taken into account in addition to the resources from forests. In the present report the data about traces of power lines is presented. Majority of these nature lands produce herbaceous biomass and the amount of woody biomass that is available is modest. The total length of power lines in Estonia is 57 thousand km. The area of traces of power lines passing through forests is 38.5 thousand ha and the potential yield of woody biomass is 42 thousand tons (the calorific value is 521 TJ). The total volume of wood processing residues from Estonian sawmills can be estimated to be 600 thousand m3 of sawdust (the calorific value 3 180 TJ) and 500 thousand m3 of bark (the calorific value 2 650 TJ). Additional quantities of wood processing residues come from furniture, plywood, boards, glued-laminated timber and other industries. As the sawdust is used as a raw material for production of pellets and all big sawmills consume the bark as a main fuel for production of technological heat, limited amounts are left for other consumers of woody biomass. |
ООО "ВистаКонсалтинг", 2009 |